Burmese rubies have been highly regarded for centuries. They are often associated with prestige, royalty, and high social status. Burmese rubies are relatively rare, especially those of high quality and larger sizes. The limited supply contributes to their high demand and elevated price.

“Pigeon’s Blood Ruby” is a term used to describe a specific type of ruby known for its exceptional color. The term originates from the vivid red hue of the gemstone, which is said to resemble the color of a pigeon’s blood. This color is highly prized in rubies and is often associated with the finest quality stones.

The characteristics of a Pigeon’s Blood Ruby typically include a deep red to slightly purplish-red color with high saturation and minimal secondary hues. The term is subjective and doesn’t have a precise scientific definition, but it generally refers to rubies with the most desirable and intense red coloration.

Pigeon’s Blood Rubies are highly sought after in the gemstone market and often command premium prices due to their rarity and exceptional beauty. They are typically found in locations such as Myanmar (formerly Burma), which is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest rubies.

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The import taxes and duties are incurred by the customer. We do not cover local taxes similar to GST, VAT and import taxes.

We offer free returns and exchanges* within 30 days of the jewelry being delivered to the customer. Once received the jewelry will been inspected. We will process your refund within 3-5 working days. Please be advised import taxes will not be included in this refund.

*Exchanges can be done for items of similar value.

Caring for rubies involves some simple steps to keep them looking their best:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean your ruby jewelry with mild soap and warm water using a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals or cleaners that can damage the stone or setting. Please use a microfiber cloth when cleaning the ruby.
  2. Storage: Store your ruby jewelry separately from other gemstones to prevent scratches. Ideally, wrap them in a soft cloth or store them in individual pouches to protect them from scratches and abrasions.
  3. Avoid Harsh Conditions: Rubies are durable, but they can still be damaged by sharp blows or extreme temperatures. Remove your ruby jewelry when engaging in activities like sports or household chores where they could be knocked against hard surfaces.

Caring for diamonds is relatively straightforward, but it’s important to do it properly to maintain their brilliance and beauty:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Diamonds can easily attract dirt, oils, and grime, which can dull their sparkle. Clean your diamonds regularly using a mixture of mild dish soap and warm water. Soak the jewelry in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a soft-bristled brush, such as a toothbrush, to remove any residue. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: While diamonds are durable, they can be damaged by harsh chemicals found in household cleaners, chlorine bleach, and other abrasive substances. Remove your diamond jewelry before using chemicals or engaging in activities that may expose them to potential damage.
  3. Storage: Store your diamond jewelry separately from other pieces to prevent scratches. It’s best to store them in soft pouches or individual compartments in a jewelry box to minimize contact with other items.

All our gemstones are ethically sourced and conflict free. We’re a brand that hold ourselves to a standard and only work with suppliers that adhere to these standards. We also work directly with locals in the community and support other family businesses.